February 11, 2005


I'll Believe It When I See It

Get ready, Chicago--here come the "Gatekeepers", a coalition of evangelical preachers who say they want to put on "a more compassionate face":

"Many of the Gatekeepers say they know evangelicalism is seen by many as being preoccupied with personal holiness and transformation and less so with bettering society. Several said there's something to that, talking of their frustration that many evangelicals care little for social justice beyond the two hot-button issues of abortion and same-sex rights.

Rev. Erwin Lutzer: 'The intrusion of evangelicalism into politics, though very well-intended, also has some negative fallout,' he acknowledged. 'When the evangelical church stepped into the political arena, it actually made itself a target, I think, in the wider communities in America.'

Rev. Bill Hybels: 'I think some evangelicals have put too much emphasis on what Christ's followers are against.'

Rev. Mark Jobe: 'The face of evangelicals is an angry face, protesting something, rather than people that are serving or helping or reaching out. There are things that turn my stomach in society, that make me angry or make me sad. But I think the heart of Jesus is much more one of serving the hungry, the needy and the poor....than what we're against.'"

Well, we'll just fucking wait and see, won't we?

Well, I'm sure somewhere along the line you've gotten a similar comment, but I thought I'd chip in: here's a living, breathing, praying gay anti-war, pro-environment Deaniac Christian. We do exist, and we're dismayed -- to put it bluntly -- that Bush, Falwell, Dobson and their ilk somehow represent the "face" of Christianity in America.
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